How to draw hachure circles with ``window printing'' ?

The macro we introduce now realizes the printing of an hachure circle. We have the possibility to choose the distance between hachures, angle and shape of hachures (plain stroke or not).

We use the PostScript mechanism of ``clipping'' which consists in the definition of a closing outline. Thus, we only observe objects belonging to the interior of the outline. To obtain the required work, we proceed as follow (see figure [*]) :

Figure: hachure circle
...put(6.03,38.00){\makebox(0,0)[cc]{\bf A}}

  1. we move to point B from point A with a calculus between cosinus and sinus of α angle and raduis of circle. Then we change the coordinate system and we draw lines ;
  2. we move to point A and we now draw the circle required and we consider it as a closing outline ;

For ending this section, we notice we draw smallest square shape inside the circle and we use the clipping facility of PostScript language. The drawing of hachures at their exact dimensions is too difficult a task for the programmer !